Adding some more judges, here and there.
[andmenj-acm.git] / lib / Mi manual de algoritmos / version_world_finals_2009 / src / grafos / puntos_articulacion.cpp
1 // Complejidad: O(E + V)
3 typedef string node;
4 typedef map<node, vector<node> > graph;
5 typedef char color;
6 const color WHITE = 0, GRAY = 1, BLACK = 2;
7 graph g;
8 map<node, color> colors;
9 map<node, int> d, low;
11 set<node> cameras; //contendrá los puntos de articulación
12 int timeCount;
14 // Uso: Para cada nodo u:
15 // colors[u] = WHITE, g[u] = Aristas salientes de u.
16 // Funciona para grafos no dirigidos.
18 void dfs(node v, bool isRoot = true){
19 colors[v] = GRAY;
20 d[v] = low[v] = ++timeCount;
21 const vector<node> &neighbors = g[v];
22 int count = 0;
23 for (int i=0; i<neighbors.size(); ++i){
24 if (colors[neighbors[i]] == WHITE){
25 //(v, neighbors[i]) is a tree edge
26 dfs(neighbors[i], false);
27 if (!isRoot && low[neighbors[i]] >= d[v]){
28 //current node is an articulation point
29 cameras.insert(v);
31 low[v] = min(low[v], low[neighbors[i]]);
32 ++count;
33 }else{ // (v, neighbors[i]) is a back edge
34 low[v] = min(low[v], d[neighbors[i]]);
37 if (isRoot && count > 1){
38 //Is root and has two neighbors in the DFS-tree
39 cameras.insert(v);
41 colors[v] = BLACK;